Are you starting to wonder whether participating in bundle collaborations to grow your email list is worth it anymore? 

Perhaps you’re starting to worry that you’re just building an email list of freebie seekers… After all, the bundles you’ve participated in have done an incredible job at growing your email list, but there doesn’t seem to be much of an opportunity to make sales...

With this workshop, you'll learn everything you need to streamline your bundle collaborations, supercharge your email list growth and effortlessly generate hundreds (even thousands) of dollars from free bundle sign-ups.

Just picture it...

→ Your inbox is filled with new & eager leads who can't wait to start hearing from you

→ Your funnels are optimised to generate instant sales from those who sign up to your free gift

→ You have an automated sequence in place to nurture & convert those who didn't buy immediately

→ You get to sit back and watch as your email subscribers AND your bank account grow together!

In this workshop, you'll...

Understand how bundles work & the benefits of contributing to free bundles to grow your business

Know exactly where & how to find aligned bundles to contribute to

Understand how to choose/create the perfect bundle offer that not only grows your list, but converts subscribers into customers & clients

Learn how to present your bundle offer to make sure you stand out from other contributors and increase sign ups for your gift   

Learn how to leverage free bundles to make more money within your business

BONUS: Receive instant access to The Bundle Contributor Trello Workflow & other resources to support your collaboration

This workshop is included within The Audience Growth Club 

Join the membership and get instant access to this workshop, as well as all our other audience growth workshops & member perks. Click here to find out more.

Contact information

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Add the Revenue Generating Activities Dashboard to your order

Grab the dashboard for $77 $37
You'll get access to a Trello board containing 50+ daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly money making activities to move the needle forward in your business every... single... day!


You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


By signing up, you agree to be added to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  • Total payment
  • 1xHow To Grow Your Email List Fast & Make Money as a Bundle Contributor$37

All prices in USD

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